Validating The Constructs, Sub-Constructs and Elements of The Creativity Practice Framework of Engineering Drawing Teacher (CP-EDT): The Fuzzy Delphi Method


  • Muhammad Sukri Saud Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


validating, constructs, sub-constructs, elements, creativity practice framework, engineering drawing, fuzzy delphi method


The practice of creativity in teacher teaching is the most important thing to enable students' concentration and focus on class and make the ongoing Teaching and Learning (TL)more meaningful and effective. Realizing the importance of teachers' teaching creativity practices, the study identified the construct of teachers' teaching creativity practices aimed at developing a framework of teaching creativity practices that can be used as a guide and reference by all teachers and related parties. This study uses the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) to obtain expert agreement and agreement on the constructs that have been obtained. 14 experts using the purposive sampling method were selected to participate in the FDM procedure. The selection of experts includes expertise and experience involved in the field of Engineering Drawing (ED), curriculum and teaching. By using FDM, five constructs containing 16 sub-constructs represent four elements for the construct of planning teaching and learning, three elements for the construct of guiding learning, managing teaching and learning, developing a creative community and assessing to develop Creativity Practice of Engineering Drawing Teacher (CP-EDT) Framework. Based on the findings of the study, it was found that the entire construct has complied with the conditions, that is, the threshold value (d) exceeds 0.2, expert consensus exceeds 75% for each construct and the defuzzification value exceeds 0.5. The findings of this study also found that 80 of the 84 elements listed representing the entire 16 sub constructs were agreed upon and met the fuzzy conditions and allowed the researcher to continue the study at the next level. Accordingly, through this finding, the CP-EDT framework development process can be continued for the next step. It is hoped that through this study, the practice of creativity in teaching as well as being able to increase the effectiveness of teaching optimally thus giving birth to creative, innovative and competitive human capital in line with the development of globalization today.

