Peer Review

Peer Review Process


BITARA journals use double-blind review, which means that the reviewer knows the author’s name, but the authors do not know the reviewers’ identities unless reviewers choose to include their names in the review. Every submitted paper will go through a review process that involves a minimum of one reviewer to a maximum of three reviewers. The number of reviewers is at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. 

 The peer-review process consists of the following steps:

  • Authors submit their manuscript via the OJS system through the "MAKE A SUBMISSION" menu on the BITARA’s website. The authors may refer to the "SUBMISSION" for further information on the instructions to help prepare and submit their manuscripts successfully.
  • The Managing Editor acknowledges receipt of the manuscript, checks the plagiarism and assigns a manuscript ID for future correspondence.
  • A member of the editorial board determines whether the manuscript fits well with the scope of the journals. If so, the manuscript will be submitted for comment to at least one reviewer (subject matter experts). BITARA Journal uses a double-blind peer review process where both reviewers and authors do not know each other. If the editorial team believes the manuscript does not fit the scope of APJ, a rejection email will be sent to the authors.
  • Reviewers are usually given two weeks. However, at some point, BITARA Journal will extend the submission deadline if requested. Once the feedback is received, the managing editor compiles all comments. After a discussion with the main editorial team, the managing editor submits all comments to the authors with a decision (minor, major or reject). 
  • Once a revision is received from the authors, the managing editor forwards the revised manuscript and compliance report to the reviewer for their feedback. The process continues until the referees are satisfied.
  • Based on the recommendation of the referee, the editorial committee jointly decides and informs the author(s) about the final decision. If accepted, the final manuscript version will be submitted to the production team for formatting in accordance with the guidelines.
  • The production team contacts authors to check the final proof before publishing it online. The process will continue until all issues/corrections are addressed.
  • The production team will then upload and publish the article and officially notify the authors.