Perspektif Pemain Industri Terhadap Prosedur Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia dalam mengawalselia Penerbitan Terjemahan al-Quran [Perspectives of Industry Players on the Procedures of the Malaysian Islamic Development Department in Regulating the Publication of al-Quran Translations]


  • Muhammad Hadi Moin Abdul Latiff Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • Haziyah Hussin Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


Terjemahan al-Quran, Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia, Percetakan al-Quran.


Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia adalah badan yang bertanggungjawab menyemak dan menilai penerbitan terjemahan al-Quran yang dihasilkan oleh penerbit. Beberapa prosedur dan peraturan disediakan namun masih terdapat isu ketidaktepatan kandungan dalam terjemahan al-Quran. Artikel ini membincangkan mekanisme yang diguna pakai oleh JAKIM untuk mengawal selia penerbitan terjemahan al-Quran serta pandangan dan cadangan pemain industri penerbitan al-Quran dan terjemahan di Malaysia terhadap prosedur tersebut. Reka bentuk kajian ini ialah kualitatif. Data kajian ini dikumpulkan menerusi metode temu bual separa berstruktur bersama pegawai JAKIM, ketua editor syarikat penerbit al-Quran dan analisis dokumen. Data tersebut kemudiannya, dianalisis secara deskriptif, manakala data temubual ditranskripsi dan dianalisis berdasarkan tema. Hasil kajian ini mendapati mekanisme JAKIM dalam mengawal selia penerbitan terjemahan al-Quran ialah dengan melantik panel penyemak; penerbit berhubung dengan panel penyemak; penerbit melakukan penambahbaikan atau pembetulan; panel penyemak menyediakan laporan akhir; JAKIM memberikan perakuan. Selain itu, kajian ini juga mengenal pasti tiga isu utama yang diketengahkan oleh pemain industri terhadap prosedur kawalan terjemahan al-Quran JAKIM, iaitu ketiadaan lajnah khusus yang dipertanggungjawab untuk menyemak terjemahan al-Quran, ketiadaan tempoh masa semakan dan perakuan serta ketiadaan garis panduan yang komprehensif bagi penterjemahan dan semakan al-Quran. Kajian ini menunjukkan prosedur kawalan penerbitan terjemahan al-Quran perlu ditambahbaik pada masa hadapan justeru ia memerlukan inovasi dilakukan.

The Islamic Development Department of Malaysia is the body responsible for reviewing and evaluating the translation of the Quran produced by publishers. Some procedures and rules are provided but there is still the issue of content inaccuracy in the translation of the Quran. This article discusses the mechanism used by JAKIM to regulate the publication of al-Quran translations as well as the views and suggestions of the players in the al-Quran publishing and translation industry in Malaysia regarding the procedure. The design of this study is qualitative. The data for this study was collected through semi-structured interviews with JAKIM officials, the editor-in-chief of the al-Quran publishing company and document analysis. The data was then analyzed descriptively, while the interview data was transcribed and analyzed based on themes. The results of this study found that JAKIM's mechanism in regulating the publication of al-Quran translations is to appoint a panel of reviewers; the publisher liaises with the review panel; the publisher makes improvements or corrections; the review panel prepares the final report; JAKIM gives a certificate. In addition, this study also identified three main issues highlighted by industry players regarding JAKIM's al-Quran translation control procedures, namely the absence of a specific department responsible for reviewing the al-Quran translation, the absence of a review and certification period and the absence of comprehensive guidelines for translation and revision of the Quran. This study shows that the control procedure for the publication of al-Quran translations needs to be improved in the future, therefore it requires innovation.

