Tuntutan Caruman KWSP Suami Melalui Hak Syarak Isteri Menurut Perspektif Maqasid Syariah [Claim on Husband’s EPF Contribution Through the Wife’s Shariah Right According to The Perspective of Maqasid Syariah]


  • Muhammad Adilah Supardan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • Md Yazid Ahmad Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


tuntutan, hak syarak, harta sepencarian, maqasid syariah, caruman KWSP claim, shariah right, jointly acquired property, maqasid syariah, EPF contribution


Pihak-pihak dalam perkahwinan khususnya isteri mempunyai hak untuk menuntut harta sepencarian ke atas semua harta yang diperoleh dalam tempoh perkahwinan. Tuntutan itu boleh dibuat semasa dalam perkahwinan (poligami), perceraian, selepas berlaku kematian ataupun murtad. Antara harta yang sering dituntut oleh pasangan sebagai harta sepencarian ialah wang caruman KWSP walaupun tuntutan tersebut seringkali ditolak oleh Mahkamah Syariah kerana terdapatnya kekangan undang-undang khususnya Akta KWSP 1991 (Akta 452). Justeru, timbul persoalan tentang kedudukan wang caruman KWSP suami sama ada boleh dituntut oleh isteri atau tidak? Justeru itu, objektif artikel ini adalah untuk membincangkan kedudukan tuntutan ini dari sudut ‘hak syarak isteri’ menurut perspektif maqasid syariah. Kajian kualitatif ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis kandungan dalam pengumpulan data dan penganalisisan dipersembahkan secara deskriptif. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa tuntutan ke atas KWSP suami adalah lebih sesuai dalam konteks ‘tuntutan hak syarak isteri’ berbanding ‘tuntutan hak harta sepencarian’ di Mahkamah Syariah dan bertepatan dengan maqasid syariah.

Parties to a marriage in particular the wife has a right to claim jointly acquired assets on all properties which were obtained within the period of the marriage. The claim can be made while in marriage (polygamy), divorce, after death of a party to the marriage and in the case of apostasy. One of the assets often claimed by a spouse is Employee Provident Fund (EPF) contribution even though such claims were always rejected by the Syariah Court because of legal obstacles particularly the Akta KWSP 1991 (Akta 452). A question arises on the status of the monetary contribution in EPF of the husband as to whether or not it can be claimed by the wife. Hence, it is the objective of this article to deliberate the status of such claims from the angle of ‘wife’s shariah right’ according to the perspective of maqasid syariah. This qualitative study employed a content analysis approach in data gathering and analysis which are descriptively presented. It was found that claims on the husband’s EPF contribution can be made more suitably in the context of ‘claim for wife’s shariah right’ compared to ‘claim on jointly acquired assets’ in the Syariah Court in line with maqasid syariah.

