Cabaran Pemerkasaan Literasi Maklumat Penguatkuasaan Penghakiman Mahkamah Syariah Melalui Peranan Bahagian Sokongan Keluarga di Sarawak
[The Challenges of Empowering Information Literacy of Enforcement of Judgment by Syariah Court Through The Family Support Division in Sarawak]
Penghakiman, Penguatkuasaan Penghakiman, Bahagian Sokongan Keluarga, JKSM, JKSS, literasi maklumat Judgment, Syariah Court, Family Support Division, JKSM, JKSS, Information LiteracyAbstract
Penghakiman yang diputuskan oleh Hakim Syarie Mahkamah Syariah hendaklah dipatuhi oleh pihak-pihak yang bertikai. Penghakiman yang tidak dipatuhi boleh diambil tindakan melalui penguatkuasaan dan pelaksanaan penghakiman. Masyarakat perlu memahami maklumat ini untuk memastikan kecuaian melaksanakan penghakiman diambil tindakan melalui undang-undang. Maklumat yang tidak dapat disalurkan berkenaan pengabaian nafkah akan memberi kesan penganiayaan terhadap wanita dan kanak-kanak. Persoalannya bagaimanakah mekanisme yang digunakan oleh Bahagian Sokongan Keluarga Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia bagi menyampaikan maklumat berkenaan penguatkuasaan penghakiman. Kertas kerja ini bertujuan melihat cabaran literasi maklumat penguatkuasaan penghakiman melalui peranan BSK JKSM di Sarawak. Pendekatan metodologi yang diguna pakai bagi kertas kerja ini ialah pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data penyelidikan ini dilakukan secara kepustakaan, dokumentasi dan temubual pihak berkaitan. Hasil kajian ini mendapati bahawa BSK JKSM di Sarawak telah menjalankan literasi maklumat kepada masyarakat dengan pelbagai mekanisme termasuk saluran media massa. Cabaran pelaksanaan literasi maklumat adalah kekangan kakitangan, geografi Sarawak, pengangkutan dan ketiadaan unit khusus. Pandemik covid-19 juga merupakan cabaran kepada literasi maklumat ini. Penyelidikan ini mencadangkan pemerkasaan literasi maklumat dimantapkan oleh BSK JKSM di Sarawak dengan lebih berfokus dan menggunakan saluran media agar masyarakat memahami maklumat penguatkuasaan penghakiman Mahkamah Syariah.
The judgment decided by the Syariah Judges of the Syariah Court shall be complied by the disputing parties. Judgments that are not complied with can be acted upon through the enforcement and execution of the judgment. Public need to understand this information to ensure that the negligence in executing judgments is prosecuted by the law. The information about neglegation of alimony that are not been informed will have an effect of persecution on women and children. The question is how is the mechanism used by the Family Support Division Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia (BSK JKSM) to provide information on the enforcement of judgment. This research paper was aimed to view the challenges of information literacy in judgment enforcement through the BSK JKSM in Sarawak. The methodological approach used for this research paper is a qualitative approach. The data were collected through the literature, documentation and interviews with the relevant parties. The results of this research found that BSK JKSM in Sarawak has conducted information literacy to the community with various mechanisms which including mass media. There are some challenges in the implementation of information which are the staff constraints, the geography of Sarawak, transportation and no specialized units. The covid-19 pandemic is also one of the reason the information literacy was affected. This research suggests that the empowerment of information literacy is need to be strengthened by BSK JKSM in Sarawak, in which it should be more focused and use mass media as one of the way to make the community understand about the information on the enforcement of Syariah Court judgment.