Hubungan Penghayatan Nilai Islam Anggota Tentera Darat Berdasarkan Program Pendidikan Islam Fardu Ain di Lembah Klang
The Relation of Islamic Appreciation Values Among Malaysian Army Personnel’s in Klang Valley Camps Based on Islamic Education of Fardu Ain and Fardu Kifayah
PIFA Program and obligations of Islamic valuesAbstract
Program kerohanian yang telah dilaksanakan dalam kalangan anggota Tentera Darat dilihat masih belum mencapai objektif pelaksanaan khasnya di sudut penghayatan nilai Islam. Ini menyebabkan pelanggaran norma agama dan seterusnya memberi kesan kepada individu dan mencalarkan imej ATM. Objektif kajian mengenal pasti hubungan program PIFA di sudut kurikulum, jurulatih dan infrastruktur ke atas penghayatan nilai Islam. Seramai 354 orang responden yang telah dipilih secara rawak di Lembah Klang melalui kaedah kuantitatif. Keputusan analisis kajian melalui penggunaan perisian SPSS versi 22 menunjukkan faktor ke atas kurikulum, jurulatih dan infrastruktur mempunyai hubungan signifikan terhadap penghayatan nilai Islam. Oleh itu, peningkatan penghayatan nilai Islam di kalangan anggota Tentera Darat, harus diberikan penambahbaikan bagi mencapai objektif program PIFA.
The spiritual programs that have been implemented among the members of the Armed Forces have not yet achieved the objectives of implementation, especially in terms of obligations of Islamic values. This leads to a violation of religious norms and in turn affects individuals and discolors the image of the ATM. The objective of the study was to identify the relationship of the PIFA program in terms of curriculum, coaches, and infrastructure on the obligations of Islamic values. A total of 354 respondents were randomly selected in the Klang Valley through quantitative methods. The results of the analysis of the study using SPSS version 22 software showed that the factors of curriculum, trainers and infrastructure have a significant relationship on the appreciation of Islamic values. Therefore, to increase the obligations of Islamic values among members of the Armed Forces, all factors must be given upgrading to achieve the objectives of the PIFA program.