Proses Pensijilan Halal di Negara Brunei Darussalam dan Keberkesanannya: Pembangunan Instrumen [The Halal Certification Process in Brunei Darussalam and its Effectiveness: Instrument Development]


  • Norkhairiah Hashim halalan Thayyiban Research Centre, University Islam Sultan Sharif Ali


Pensijilan Halal, Keberkesanan, Instrumen, Konstruk, Item


Item-item instrumen kajian yang tidak disahkan oleh pakar sering diragui kebolehgunaannya. Justeru, kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan item-item soal selidik bagi penyelidikan tentang proses pensijilan Halal di Negara Brunei Darussalam dan keberkesanannya. Sebuah instrumen telah dibina untuk diguna pakai dalam penyelidikan ini meliputi lima konstruk utama iaitu persepsi tentang keberkesanan proses pensijilan halal, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberkesanan proses pensijilan halal, masalah yang wujud dan menghalang keberkesanan proses pensijilan halal, kelebihan pensijilan halal Brunei Darussalam dan cadangan bagi meningkatkan kualiti dan keberkesanan proses pensijilan Halal di Negara Brunei Darussalam. Langkah-langkah pembangunan instrumen proses pensijilan halal dan keberkesanannya ini meliputi pembangunan konstruk soal selidik, pembinaan item soal selidik, pengesahan pakar dan kajian rintis bagi mendapatkan pengesahan dan analisis nilai pekali kebolehpercayaan alpha cronbach. Jumlah item yang dibina bagi soal selidik ini pula adalah sebanyak 101 item. Pembinaan konstruk dan item-item soal selidik adalah merujuk kepada prosedur pensijilan halal dan piawaian halal yang dilaksanakan di Negara Brunei Darussalam di samping beberapa hasil kajian literatur. Pengesahan muka dan kandungan instrumen dilakukan oleh tiga orang pakar dalam bidang halal. Dapatan kajian rintis menunjukkan bahawa nilai alpha Cronbach konstruk dan item soal selidik adalah di antara julat 0.90 hingga 1.00. Dapatan kajian rintis menunjukkan bahawa konstruk dan item soal selidik mempunyai tahap kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan yang tinggi untuk digunakan dalam mengukur persepsi masyarakat tentang keberkesanan proses pensijilan Halal di Negara Brunei Darussalam.

The items of research instruments that are not validated by experts are often doubtful of their usefulness. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the validity and reliability of the questionnaire items for research on the Halal certification process in Brunei Darussalam and its effectiveness. An instrument has been developed to be used in this research covering five main constructs namely perceptions on the effectiveness of the halal certification process, factors influencing the effectiveness of the halal certification process, problems that exist and hinder the effectiveness of the halal certification process, the advantages of Brunei halal certification and suggestions to improve the quality and effectiveness of the Halal certification process in Brunei Darussalam. This research instrument includes the development of questionnaires items and constructs, expert validation and pilot studies to obtain the reliability of Cronbach's alpha coefficient value. The total number of items developed for this questionnaire is 101 items. The development of the constructs and items of the questionnaire also refers to the halal certification procedures and halal standards implemented in Brunei Darussalam as well as referring to some of the literature reviews. Face validity and content validity of the instrument was performed by three experts in the field of halal. The findings of the pilot study showed that the value of alpha Cronbach’s for all items was in the range of 0.90 to 1.00. The findings of the pilot study also indicate that the constructs and the items of the questionnaire have a high level of validity and reliability to be used in measuring public perceptions about the effectiveness of the Halal certification process in Brunei Darussalam.

