Penerokaan Awal Kajian Pelaksanaan Food Bank di Negeri Kedah [A Preliminary Study of Food Bank Implementation in the State of Kedah]
Food Bank, Maqasid Syariah, Sustainable Development Goals, Lembaga Zakat Negeri KedahAbstract
Makanan merupakan sumber asasi kepada manusia untuk kekal cergas dan sihat dalam membentuk keluarga bahagia. Tanpa sumber makanan yang mencukupi sesebuah keluarga akan porak-peranda. Menyedari hakikat tersebut, Lembaga Zakat Negeri Kedah (LZNK) mengambil inisiatif mengadakan program Food Bank bagi membantu golongan yang memerlukan. Kajian penerokaan awal berbentuk kualitatif ini adalah bertujuan untuk meninjau pelaksanaan Food Bank yang telah diimplimentasikan di negeri Kedah. Seramai tiga orang pengelola dan empat orang penerima peringkat kariah di dua daerah di negeri Kedah telah ditemubual. Hasil dapatan yang dianalisis secara tematik menggunakan Atlas.ti menunjukkan empat tema utama yang kerap ditekankan oleh pengelola dan penerima iaitu aspek pengurusan, ekonomi, pendidikan dan psikologi. Penerima berpuas hati dengan cara pihak pengelola mengendalikan program Food Bank khususnya dalam aspek pemilihan mereka yang layak dan cara pengagihan dilakukan. Majoriti penerima mengucapkan rasa syukur dan terima kasih kerana bantuan Food Bank dapat meringankan beban perbelanjaan yang ditanggung. Secara tidak langsung, pemberian Food Bank dapat mendidik penerima untuk menghargai bantuan yang diberikan. Hal ini sekali gus memberi kesan positif terhadap psikologi penerima tersebut. Walau bagaimanapun, para pengelola mencadangkan agar pihak LZNK dapat memantapkan lagi pengurusan Food Bank melalui pengurusan dokumentasi yang lebih sistematik, pemantauan berkala, dan peningkatan kebajikan pengelola. Kajian awal ini menunjukkan bahawa matlamat program Food Bank ini berjaya memenuhi matlamat hifz al-nafs atau menjaga nyawa dalam Maqasyid Syariah dan sejajar dengan matlamat global sifar kelaparan dalam Matlamat Pembangunan Lestari (Sustainable Development Goals-SDGs)
Food is a basic source for human beings to stay fit and healthy to form a happy family. Inadequate food resources could result in a dysfunctional family. Realizing this fact, the Kedah State Zakat Board (LZNK) has taken the initiative to organize a Food Bank program to help the needy. This qualitative study is explorative in nature in which it aims to explore the implementation of Food Bank in the state of Kedah. A total of three Food Bank managers and four recipients at the civil parish level in two districts in the state of Kedah were interviewed. The results were analyzed thematically using Atlas.ti. Four main themes were obtained namely management, economics, education and psychology. Overall, recipients were satisfied with the way the management handled the Food Bank program, especially in terms of the selection of eligible recipients and the way the distribution was conducted. The majority of the recipients expressed their gratitude as the assistance provided has helped ease the burden of the expenses they bear. They felt a sense of relieved and they continued to appreciate the informative lessons learned throughout the program. This has a positive effect on the psychology of the recipient. Nevertheless, the managers suggested that LZNK could further strengthen the management of the program through more systematic documentation management, periodic monitoring, and improving the welfare of the organizers. Such preliminary findings provide important indications that the goals of the Food Bank program by the LZNK are aligned with the goal of hifz al-nafs or life preservation in Maqasyid Syariah (the Goals of Sharia) and in line with one of the global goals in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), i.e., achieveing zero hunger.