Kebangkitan Penduduk Hulu Terengganu (1919-1928) Menentang British kerana Ajaran Haji Abdul Rahman Limbung dan Haji Musa Abdul Ghani Minangkabau

[The Rise of The People’s of Hulu Terengganu (1919-1928) Against The British Because of The Teachings of Haji Abdul Rahman Limbung and Haji Musa Abdul Ghani Minangkabau]


  • Izziah Suryani Mat Resad @ Arshad


Kebangkitan, Hulu Terengganu, British, Haji Abdul Rahman Limbung, Haji Musa Abdul Ghani Minangkabau


Penentangan penduduk Hulu Terengganu terhadap pentadbiran British berbeza dengan kebangkitan yang berlaku di tempat lain di Tanah Melayu. Kebanyakan pengkaji menyimpulkan bahawa mereka menentang British kerana dipengaruhi oleh sentimen agama Islam. Malah pihak British secara terang-terangan menuduh para ulama seperti Haji Abdul Rahman Limbung dan Haji Musa Abdul Ghani Minangkabau yang bertanggungjawab menghasut penduduk supaya menentang kerajaan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peranan ajaran para ulama dalam mencetuskan penentangan penduduk Terengganu khususnya di Hulu Terengganu terhadap pentadbiran British. Ia juga meneliti situasi ini sebagai pemangkin kepada kemuncak kebangkitan pada 1928 sehingga menyebabkan berlaku tragedi yang mengorbankan 11 nyawa. Kajian Ini merupakan kajian berbentuk kualitatif dengan menggunakan reka bentuk kajian sejarah dan metode deskriptif serta metode sejarah untuk menganalisis data dan sumber kajian sama ada sumber primer ataupun sekunder. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa kebangkitan penduduk Hulu Terengganu kerana kepatuhan penduduk kepada tuntutan Islam berasaskan kepada ajaran para ulama yang menjadi rujukan dalam kehidupan mereka. Para ulama seperti Haji Abdul Rahman Limbung dan Haji Musa Abdul Ghani Minangkabau pula secara berterusan mengingatkan penduduk Hulu Terengganu supaya mereka sentiasa patuh dan tunduk kepada perintah Allah. Sebagai orang Islam, penduduk Hulu Terengganu yakin bahawa mereka tidak boleh meninggalkan peraturan sedia ada yang berasaskan Islam dan sebaliknya menerima peraturan British yang bukan dari ajaran Islam. Penerimaan tersebut bukan sahaja menyebabkan mereka berdosa, malah ia boleh menggugat akidah mereka.

Resistance the people’s of Hulu Terengganu to the British administration in contrast to the rise that occurred in other places in Malaya. Most of the researcher concluded that they were against the British because influenced by the religious sentiment of Islam. In fact the British outright accuse the scholars like Haji Abdul Rahman Limbung and Haji Musa Abdul Ghani Minangkabau responsible for inciting the people’s to fight against the government. This study aims to analyze the role of the teachings of the scholars in the trigger resistance of the people’s of Terengganu in particular in Hulu Terengganu to the British administration. It also examines this situation as a catalyst to highlight the revival in 1928 until the cause of the occurred tragedy which killed 11 lives. This study is a study of the shaped qualitatively by using the design of the study of the history and methods of descriptive as well as methods of history to analyze the data and study resources whether primary source or secondary. The results of the study found that the rise of the people’s of Hulu Terengganu because of the adherence of the people’s to the demands of Islam based on the teachings of the scholars that became a reference in their lives. The scholars like Haji Abdul Rahman Limbung and Haji Musa Abdul Ghani Minangkabau in turn continuously remind the people’s of Hulu Terengganu so that they are always compliant and subservient to the command of Allah. As Muslims, the people’s of Hulu Terengganu convinced that they can not leave the existing rule that is based on Islam and on the contrary accept the rules of the British who are not from the teachings of Islam. Receipt of such will not only cause them to sin, in fact it can sue one of them.

