International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080)2025-02-08T11:32:59+00:00DR. NOORSAFUAN BIN CHE Journal Systems<p align="justify">Founded in 2018, <em><strong>BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences</strong></em> (e-ISSN 2600-9080) is a refereed international journal of civilizational studies and human sciences; published quarterly, and can be said to be the newest academic journal dealing with the theme in Malaysia.</p> <p> </p> <p align="justify">The international perspective is also reflected by the journal’s trilingual approach; it is published in <strong>Malay, English and Arabic languages</strong>. The published articles as well as comments, research reports, book reviews, conference papers and others are on civilizational studies as well as other fields written from human sciences perspectives. In order to encourage academic brainstorming, we are soliciting your contributions throughout the year.</p> <p> </p> <p align="justify">All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical, and will be peer-reviewed. Articles submitted to the journal should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the style of the journal and are subject to both review and editing.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Open Access Policy</strong></p> <p>This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.</p> <p><strong>Publication Frequency</strong></p> <p>Quarterly (January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December)</p> Literatur Cabaran dan Strategi Memperkasakan Kemahiran Menulis Bahasa Arab dalam Kalangan Pelajar Bukan Penutur Jati [A Literature Review Challenges and Strategies to Enhance Arabic Writing Skills Among Non-Native Students]2025-01-07T05:26:04+00:00Noor Anida Awangnooranidaaq@gmail.comNooraihan Noruddin @ Che<p>Bahasa Arab merupakan salah satu bahasa kedua yang dipelajari dalam kalangan pelajar bukan penutur jati di Malaysia. Kemahiran menulis dalam bahasa Arab merupakan salah satu kemahiran asas yang perlu dikuasai oleh pelajar khususnya mereka yang memilih bidang pengajian Islam di peringkat institusi pengajian tinggi. Penguasaan kemahiran ini memerlukan kecekapan berbahasa dalam pelbagai aspek seperti kosa kata, tatabahasa, kemampuan membina ayat, mengolah maklumat dengan tepat dan sebagainya. Kajian ini membincangkan cabaran dan strategi dalam memperkasakan kemahiran menulis bahasa Arab di peringkat institusi pengajian tinggi. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui analisis dokumen terhadap 13 artikel kajian terdahulu berkaitan kemahiran menulis bahasa Arab yang diterbitkan antara tahun 2021 hingga 2023. Kesemua artikel yang dikumpulkan diperolehi dari pangkalan data <em>Google Scholar</em>. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa pelajar sering menghadapi cabaran utama dalam aspek linguistik, kaedah pengajaran serta faktor psikologi dan motivasi. Cabaran linguistik merangkumi kekurangan kosa kata, kesulitan memahami dan mempraktikkan tatabahasa dan kelemahan membina struktur ayat yang gramatis. Manakala dari sudut kaedah pengajaran, pendekatan tradisional yang kurang interaktif didapati tidak dapat menarik minat pelajar sekaligus gagal memenuhi keperluan pembelajaran yang lebih terkini bertepatan dengan tuntutan pembelajaran abad ke-21. Di samping itu, isu psikologi seperti kurang keyakinan diri dan motivasi turut menghalang pelajar untuk menguasai kemahiran menulis dengan baik. Kajian-kajian tersebut turut mengenal pasti beberapa strategi berkesan. Antaranya ialah penggunaan pedagogi interaktif yang menggalakkan penglibatan aktif pelajar, pembangunan modul pengajaran yang lebih sistematik dan efektif serta pendekatan pembelajaran berpusatkan pelajar yang menekankan pembelajaran kolaboratif. Selain itu, penggunaan teknologi digital seperti aplikasi pembelajaran bahasa dan alat interaktif turut dikenal pasti sebagai kaedah yang berkesan untuk meningkatkan minat serta memperkasa pemahaman pelajar dalam kemahiran menulis bahasa Arab. Bagi mengatasi cabaran ini, kajian turut mengenal pasti beberapa strategi berkesan seperti penggunaan pedagogi interaktif, pembangunan modul pengajaran yang sistematik, dan pendekatan berpusatkan pelajar yang memfokuskan kepada pembelajaran kolaboratif serta integrasi teknologi digital. Berdasarkan dapatan ini, kajian mencadangkan kajian lanjutan ke arah pendekatan holistik yang menggabungkan aspek linguistik, pedagogi, psikologi, dan teknologi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa Arab dalam kalangan pelajar bukan penutur jati dapat diperluas secara menyeluruh dan berterusan untuk generasi akan datang.</p> <p>Arabic language is one of the second languages learned by non-native students in Malaysia. Arabic writing skills are among the basic language skills that learners are supposed to master, particularly those pursuing Islamic studies at higher education institutions. Proficiency in this skill requires competence in various linguistic aspects, including vocabulary, grammar, sentence construction, and the ability to process and present information accurately. The objectives of this study are to discuss the challenges and strategies in enhancing Arabic writing skills at higher education. To achieved the objectives, a qualitative approached was employed through document analysis of 13 previous research articles related to Arabic writing skills published within recent last three years from 2021 to 2023. These articles were obtained from Google Scholar database. The results revealed that students frequently encounter challenges in various aspects such as linguistic, teaching methodology, and psychological and motivational factors. Linguistic difficulties include limited vocabulary, challenges in understanding and applying grammar and difficulties in forming grammatically accurate sentences. On the other hand, pedagogical perspective using traditional teaching methods which tend to be less interactive fail to engage students effectively and do not address the evolving needs of 21st-century learning. Moreover, psychological challenges, such as low self-confidence and lack of motivation, prevent students from achieving proficiency in Arabic writing. The study also highlights some effective strategies to overcome these challenges. These strategies include an interactive teaching methods that encourage active student participation, designing structured and efficient teaching modules, and adopting student-centered approaches that emphasize collaborative learning. Additionally, incorporating digital technologies, such as language learning applications and interactive tools, is recognized as an effective approach to enhance students' interest and understanding in Arabic writing. Based on these findings, the study suggests further research towards a holistic approach that combines linguistic, pedagogical, psychological, and technological aspects in teaching and learning Arabic for the future generation.</p>2025-01-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) Terhadap Isu Turkestan Timur [The Involvement of The Malaysian Islamic Youth (ABIM) on The East Turkestan Issue]2025-01-08T16:10:54+00:00Siti Muliani Abdul Ghanictmuliani19@gmail.comSyahrin<p>Sejak penindasan kemanusiaan melibatkan agama, budaya, ekonomi dan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia yang berlaku ke atas Muslim Uyghur, maka hadirnya pelbagai jenis pertubuhan bukan kerajaan atau organisasi bukan kerajaan (NGO) termasuk Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM), menjalankan aktiviti bantuan kemanusiaan. NGO memainkan peranan yang signifikan di peringkat global, bertindak sebagai kuasa moral yang berusaha untuk meningkatkan kualiti kehidupan manusia secara holistik termasuk di Turkestan Timur. Objektif utama kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti bentuk-bentuk penglibatan dan sumbangan ABIM dalam usaha menyelesaikan isu kemanusiaan dihadapi Muslim Uyghur. Isu berlaku di Turkestan Timur sedang hangat berlaku, namun jarang mendapat perhatian umum berbanding dengan isu Rohingya, Palestin, Syria dan sebagainya. Buktinya, apabila menggunakan carian melalui pangkalan data pencarian berkenaan Rohingya dan Palestin menemukan hasil lebih tiga kali ganda bilangan berbanding pencarian berkenaan Muslim Uyghur. Ini jelas menunjukkan, kekurangan dapatan data yang mendalam tentang isu Muslim Uyghur turut mencerminkan kurangnya kepekaan dan pendedahan secara meluas masyarakat dunia tentang situasi kemanusiaan yang dihadapi. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, melibatkan kaedah temu bual secara mendalam bersama seorang pegawai tertinggi ABIM dan penyelidikan daripada sumber primer dan sumber sekunder ABIM seperti surat rasmi, laporan tahunan, bahan ilmiah, buku dan sebagainya. Hasil kajian telah berjaya mengenal pasti terdapat pelbagai bentuk usaha bantuan kemanusiaan diperjuangkan oleh ABIM bagi membantu Muslim Uyghur membangun kembali kehidupan mereka yang melibatkan pendidikan , sosial dan keselamatan, dengan penghasilan pelbagai buku menerangkan tentang Turkestan Timur kepada umum. Penglibatan aktif ABIM melalui aktiviti yang dijalankan telah meningkatkan kesedaran kepada seluruh diaspora mengenai isu kemanusiaan yang dihadapi Muslim Uyghur di wilayah mereka adalah isu sejagat seperti mana isu Palestin.</p> <p>Since the oppression of humanity involving religion, culture, economy, and human rights violations that have occurred to Uyghur Muslims, the presence of various types of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), including the Malaysian Islamic Youth Force (ABIM), has led to the implementation of humanitarian aid activities. NGOs play a significant role globally, acting as a moral force that strives to improve the quality of human life holistically, including in East Turkestan. The main objective of this study is to identify the forms of ABIM's involvement and contributions in efforts to resolve humanitarian issues faced by Uyghur Muslims. The problems occurring in East Turkestan are currently hotly debated but rarely receive public attention compared to the issues of Rohingya, Palestine, Syria, and so on. The proof is that when using a search through the database, searches regarding Rohingya and Palestine found more than three times the number of results compared to searches regarding Uyghur Muslims. This clearly shows that the lack of in-depth data on the Uyghur Muslim issue also indicates the lack of understanding and widespread exposure by the world community about the humanitarian situation faced. This study uses a qualitative approach, involving in-depth interviews with a top ABIM official and research from primary and secondary ABIM sources such as official letters, annual reports, scholarly materials, books, etc. The results of the study have successfully identified that there are various forms of humanitarian aid efforts championed by ABIM to help Uyghur Muslims restore their lives, involving education, social, and security, with the production of multiple books explaining East Turkestan to the public. ABIM's active involvement through the activities has raised awareness among the entire diaspora about the humanitarian issues facing Uyghur Muslims in their region, which are universal issues like the Palestinian issue.</p>2025-01-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Narrative Competence in Preschool Children: Key Measures and Ensuring Reliability and Validity2025-01-10T05:08:20+00:00Bo Wu1052202611@qq.comJamal Rizal<p><em>?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????</em></p>2025-01-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Kaedah ‘Adad wa Ma‘dud Bahasa Arab dalam Hadith Sahih Bukhari [The Stability of The ‘Adad wa Ma’dud Method in Arabic Grammar within Sahih Bukhari Hadiths]2024-12-30T04:37:40+00:00Fatimah Az Zahra<p><em>‘Adad wa Ma‘dud </em>merupakan satu tajuk tatabahasa yang asas dalam nahu bahasa Arab dan ia mempunyai keistimewaan dan ciri-cirinya yang tersendiri. Beberapa kajian telah mencadangkan pendekatan menerapkan pengajaran topik <em>‘Adad wa Ma‘dud </em>dengan menggunakan ayat-ayat al- Quran. Justeru itu, kertas ini memilih alternatif yang berbeza iaitu meneliti kemapanan kaedah <em>‘Adad wa Ma‘dud </em>bahasa Arab dalam hadith Sahih Bukhari. Kertas kerja ini berbentuk kajian kualitatif dengan data utamanya diperoleh melalui analisis teks kepustakaan. Hasil dapatan kajian mendapati hadith Sahih Bukhari mempunyai data yang mencukupi, iaitu sebanyak 105 jenis sampel berkaitan <em>‘Adad wa Ma‘dud</em> berjaya dikumpul dalam kajian ini. Keseluruhan bahagian <em>‘adad </em>yang dibincangkan dalam kajian ini mempunyai padanan seperti yang terdapat dalam tatabahasa Arab. Kekerapan jenis <em>‘adad</em> yang paling banyak ditemui adalah <em>‘adad mufrad, </em>diikuti oleh<em> ‘adad murakkab, ‘adad ‘uqud </em>dan<em> ‘adad ma‘tuf</em>. Kajian juga mencadangkan agar para pelajar menghafal satu contoh matan hadith sahih Bukhari dalam setiap bahagian <em>‘adad</em> sebagai panduan. Penulisan ini diharapkan dapat membantu mereka meningkatkan pencapaian dalam tajuk ini disamping dapat menambah ilmu pengetahuan dalam bidang pengajian hadith.</p> <p><em>‘Adad wa Ma‘dud</em> is a fundamental topic in Arabic grammar, with its own distinct characteristics and significance. Several studies have suggested using Quranic verses as a teaching approach for this topic. However, this paper adopts a different alternative by examining the stability of the <em>‘Adad wa Ma‘dud</em> method in Arabic grammar through the hadiths of Sahih Bukhari. This study is qualitative in nature, with primary data obtained through textual analysis of library resources. The findings reveal that Sahih Bukhari provides sufficient data, with 105 types of examples related to <em>‘Adad wa Ma‘dud</em> identified in this research. The study confirms that all categories of ‘adad discussed align with the structures found in Arabic grammar. The most frequently observed category is <em>‘adad mufrad</em>, followed by <em>‘adad murakkab,</em> <em>‘adad ‘uqud, </em>and <em>‘adad ma‘tuf</em>. The study also suggests that students memorize one example of a Sahih Bukhari hadith text for each category of ‘adad as a practical guide. This paper aims to assist students in improving their understanding of this topic while enriching their knowledge in the field of hadith studies.</p>2025-01-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Keperluan Pembangunan Model Pencegahan Holistik Terhadap Pengaruh Gejala LGBT dalam Kalangan Remaja di Selangor [Analysis of The Need for Developing a Holistic Prevention Model Against The Influence of LGBT Symptoms among Adolescents in Selangor]2025-01-10T08:42:31+00:00Noor Hafizah Mohd Hamimah Mohammad Ridhuan Mohd Mohd Al Faizee Wan Ab Cheng<p>Analisis keperluan merupakan salah satu fasa yang penting dalam proses pengumpulan data untuk dianalisis secara sistematik bagi mendapatkan input terhadap keperluan pembangunan sesebuah modul yang mantap serta bersesuaian dengan pengguna sasaran. Kajian kualitatif ini bertujuan memperoleh data analisis keperluan bagi pembangunan Model Pencegahan Holistik Terhadap Pengaruh Gejala LGBT Dalam Kalangan Remaja Di Selangor. Seramai lima orang informan telah dipilih sebagai peserta kajian. Peserta kajian dipilih secara pensampelan bertujuan dan menepati kriteria yang telah ditetapkan. Data daripada temu bual separa berstruktur ini dianalisis secara deskriptif. Dapatan kajian ini memberi implikasi positif usaha membangunkan model ini secara holistic. Hasil kajian juga telah memberi satu indikator penting kepada kajian seterusnya iaitu untuk mereka bentuk dan membangunkan Pembangunan Model Pencegahan Holistik Terhadap Pengaruh Gejala LGBT dalam Kalangan Remaja Di Selangor.</p> <p>Requirements analysis is one of the important phases in the data collection process to be systematically analyzed to obtain input on the development needs of a robust module that is suitable for target users. This qualitative study aims to obtain analysis data of the needs for the development of a Holistic Prevention Model Against the Influence of Lgbt Symptoms Among Teenagers in Selangor. A total of five informants were selected as study participants. Study participants were selected by purposive sampling and met the criteria that had been set. Data from these semi-structured interviews were analyzed descriptively. The findings of this study have positive implications for developing this model holistically. The results of the study have also provided an important indicator for the next study which is to design and develop the Development of a Holistic Prevention Model Against the Influence of LGBT Symptoms among Teenagers in Selangor.</p>2025-01-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Semantic Analysis of Poetry Lam Naftariq Lakinnana Lan Naltaqia Abadan by Mahmoud Darwish2024-12-29T07:38:49+00:00Aulia Yusriah Anwarauliayusriah02@gmail.comNurul Khotimahnurulkhotimah@gmail.comAzhar Ismail Hasibuanhasibuan@gmail.comNorlaila Md<p>The poem <em>Lam Naftariq Lakinnana Lan Naltaqia Abadan</em> by Mahmoud Darwish is one of the poems that has high aesthetic value and is closely related to the Palestinian conflict, which is currently being widely discussed. Still, many people do not know the meaning of this poem. This study aims to reveal the form and meaning of metaphors in the verses of the poem <em>Lam Naftariq Lakinnan? Lan Naltaq? ?bad?n</em> by Mahmoud Darwish. This study is needed so that readers can understand, appreciate, and conceive the poem's meaning more deeply so that they can explore the best meaning contained in it. This type of research includes descriptive-qualitative by using library techniques to collect data. The results of the analysis of this study indicate that the use of metaphors in the poem is to describe the true meaning intended in the concrete form of the poem which can be grouped into seven parts, they are: notification, hiding, learning, death, longing, disappointment, and emphasis. This analysis highlights the power of metaphor to translate abstract emotions into concrete imagery. The recurring motifs of separation and connection create a complex emotional landscape, where loss and unity coexist, inviting the readers to delve into the intricacies of human experience. Then, this poem is presented in the form of a metaphor to sound more beautiful but seems very deep if the meaning is already known but it is very unfortunate that no one has ever studied this poem. Therefore, this study is very important to contribute to poetry observers so that the message conveyed in this poem can give a deep impression.</p>2025-02-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) with Non-Muslims in The Prophetic Traditions: An Analytical Study2025-02-08T11:32:59+00:00Shujaur Abd.<p>This paper aims to clarify and study the position of the Prophetic traditions (Hadith) on coexistence with non-Muslims. It addresses the importance of dialogue, and the principles of coexistence found in the primary Islamic sources, to formulate a model to be emulated in the present era. The research used the inductive method to gather the Ahadith and traditions related to the topic, the deductive method to trace and authenticate the relevant traditions as well as to formulate a conceptual framework for dealing with non-Muslims according to the prophetic approach, and the analytical method to analyse the concept of peaceful coexistence with non-Muslims. The results of this study show that the Prophetic traditions acknowledge the rights of non-Muslims, permit mixing with them and coexisting with them, guarantee them freedom of belief and freedom of practicing their religion, grant them freedom of opinion and expression, freedom of education, freedom of work and trade, and ensure for them justice, protection from aggression, and good treatment. Islam advocates the policy of tolerance and coexistence and opposes extremism and sectarianism. The Prophet (PBUH) was tolerant and kind towards the people of other faiths. He engaged in dialogue with non-Muslims in the best manner and ensured that they lived in the Muslim society peacefully, respectfully, and with dignity. This study also concludes that being firm in belief and strict adherence to religion do not mean rudeness and misbehaviour with people of other faiths, nor does it contradict the teachings of being kind and showing good manners to non-Muslims while engaging with them in dialogues or debates.</p>2025-02-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Fuzzy Delphi: Analisis Keperluan Terhadap Pembangunan Model Pendakwah Mualaf Profesional [Fuzzy Delphi Method: Needs Analysis for the Development of a Professional Convert Preacher Model]2025-01-16T02:27:35+00:00Muhammad Yusuf Marlon Abd Farid Ravi @ Hidayah<p>Kajian ini menggunakan Metod Fuzzy Delphi (FDM) untuk menganalisis keperluan bagi pembangunan model pendakwah <em>mualaf</em> profesional. <em>Mualaf</em> merupakan individu yang baru memeluk Islam dan berpotensi menjadi agen dakwah berkesan, khususnya dalam kalangan komuniti bukan Muslim. Walau bagaimanapun, kekurangan bimbingan sistematik dan sokongan institusi menghalang potensi mereka untuk berperanan sebagai pendakwah profesional. Kajian ini dilaksanakan melalui tiga fasa utama: analisis keperluan, reka bentuk dan pembangunan model, serta penilaian kebolehgunaan. Fasa pertama melibatkan temubual separa struktur dengan pakar dan <em>mualaf</em> profesional bagi mengenal pasti cabaran dan keperluan pembangunan. Hasil dapatan dianalisis menggunakan FDM bagi menentukan elemen dan komponen utama model yang dicadangkan. Fasa terakhir menilai kebolehgunaan model menggunakan Teknik Kumpulan Nominol Ubah Suai (Modified NGT) bersama pegawai dakwah. Hasil kajian menunjukkan keperluan terhadap model yang menekankan pembangunan ilmu agama, kemahiran komunikasi, kepimpinan dan pengalaman praktikal. Kajian ini mencadangkan model pembangunan yang holistik bagi memperkasakan <em>mualaf</em> sebagai pendakwah profesional dan agen perubahan sosial yang efektif.</p> <p>This study utilizes the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) to analyze the needs for the development of a professional convert preacher model. Converts (mualaf) are individuals who have recently embraced Islam and have the potential to become effective agents of da'wah, especially within non-Muslim communities. However, the lack of systematic guidance and institutional support hampers their potential to serve as professional preachers. The study is conducted through three main phases: needs analysis, model design and development and usability evaluation. The first phase involves semi-structured interviews with experts and professional converts to identify the challenges and needs for development. The findings are analyzed using FDM to determine the key elements and components of the proposed model. The final phase evaluates the usability of the model using the Modified Nominal Group Technique (Modified NGT) with da'wah officers. The results highlight the need for a model that emphasizes the development of religious knowledge, communication skills, leadership, and practical experience. This study proposes a holistic development model to empower converts as professional preachers and effective agents of social change.</p>2025-02-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Penggunaan Dakwah Digital dalam Mendukung Kelestarian Teknologi Hijau di Malaysia [Prospects of Using Digital Da’wah to Support Green Technology Sustainbility in Malaysia]2025-01-18T03:50:06+00:00Mohd Zuhaili Kamal Athiroh Masyaa’il Tan Abdullah @ Tan Ai Md Nasarudin Hafizz<p>Kajian ini memberi tumpuan kepada prospek dakwah digital dalam memperkenalkan teknologi hijau dan kelestarian alam sekitar berasaskan perspektif Islam di Malaysia. Meskipun platform dakwah sebegini menghadapi kekangan teknologi di kawasan luar bandar, kekurangan kandungan yang relevan dan keselesaan penggunaan pendekatan dakwah tradisional, dakwah digital mempunyai potensi besar sebagai medium yang inovatif dan berkesan. Justeru itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji prospek penggunaan dakwah digital dalam melestari teknologi hijau di Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif melalui kajian dokumentasi dan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil kajian ini mendapati dakwah digital mampu meningkatkan kesedaran dan pengetahuan masyarakat serta mendorong tindakan positif ke arah pemeliharaan alam sekitar. Prospek dakwah digital yang dirancang dengan baik menunjukkan keupayaan untuk menyebarkan mesej kelestarian alam sekitar secara lebih meluas dan menarik. Platform ini dijadikan alat penting dalam membangunkan masyarakat yang lebih prihatin terhadap penjagaan alam semula jadi.</p> <p>This study focuses on the prospects of digital dakwah in promoting green technology and environmental sustainability from an Islamic perspective in Malaysia. Despite challenges such as technological limitations in rural areas, the lack of relevant content, and the preference for traditional dakwah approaches, digital dakwah holds significant potential as an innovative and effective medium. Therefore, this study aims to examine the prospects of using digital da'wah in sustaining green technology in Malaysia.This study adopts a qualitative method through document analysis and descriptive analysis. The findings indicate that digital dakwah can enhance public awareness and knowledge while encouraging positive actions toward environmental preservation. Well-planned digital dakwah strategies demonstrate the ability to disseminate environmental sustainability messages more broadly and engagingly. This platform serves as a crucial tool in fostering a society that is more mindful of natural environmental care.</p>2025-02-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) dan Pendekatan Dakwah Secara Berhikmah Terhadap Golongan al-Riqab: Kajian Terhadap Pusat Pemulihan di Negeri Selangor 2025-01-22T08:00:53+00:00Syarul Azman Uswah Ahmad Elyani Mat Mohd. Hamdi Saidatul Akmar<p>Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji elemen dan pendekatan dakwah secara berhikmah terhadap golongan al-Riq?b, khususnya di pusat pemulihan di Negeri Selangor. Kajian ini menekankan kepentingan pendekatan dakwah yang bijaksana, fleksibel, dan relevan dalam membantu golongan <em>al-Riq?b </em>yang terbelenggu dengan masalah sosial dan akidah. Metode kajian ini menggunakan kualitatif dengan reka bentuk kajian kes yang melibatkan enam pusat pemulihan yang bernaung di bawah Majlis Agama Islam Selangor (MAIS) dan NGO berkaitan. Pensampelan kajian adalah purposif (<em>purposive sampling</em>) yang merujuk kepada guru pembimbing dan pelatih di pusat pemulihan terlibat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui temu bual mendalam, pemerhatian, dan analisis dokumen, manakala analisis data menggunakan pendekatan tematik melalui perisian Atlas T.I 8. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa pendekatan dakwah secara berhikmah melibatkan empat strategi utama: pendekatan berstruktur, perbincangan dan soal jawab, penyertaan aktif, serta prinsip tasawuf. Setiap pendekatan ini disesuaikan untuk memenuhi keperluan golongan <em>al-Riq?b </em>dengan menitikberatkan elemen keikhlasan, empati, interaksi sosial dan interaksi fleksibel yang membina. Pendekatan ini bukan sahaja meningkatkan keberkesanan dakwah tetapi memupuk perubahan positif dalam kehidupan <em>mad</em><em>?</em><em>u</em>. Kesimpulannya, pendekatan dakwah berhikmah terbukti menjadi kaedah berkesan dalam membimbing golongan <em>al-Riq?b</em>. Ia mampu membina hubungan erat antara pendakwah dan <em>mad</em><em>?</em><em>u</em>, selain menyokong usaha memulihkan akidah dan sosial mereka ke arah kehidupan lebih baik selaras dengan ajaran Islam</p> <p>This study explores how dakwah (Islamic propagation) can be delivered with <em>al-hikmah</em> to support the <em>al-Riq?b </em>group, particularly in rehabilitation centers across Selangor. It highlights the need for thoughtful, flexible, and relevant approaches to address the social and spiritual challenges faced by this group. Using a qualitative case study design, the research focuses on six rehabilitation centers under the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (MAIS) and associated NGOs. Data was gathered through in-depth interviews, observations, and document analysis, with purposive sampling targeting mentors and trainees at the centers. The data was analyzed thematically to uncover key insights. The findings reveal that effective dakwah with wisdom is built on four main strategies: structured approaches, interactive discussions, active participation, and spiritual principles rooted in tasawwuf (Islamic spirituality). These methods are tailored to the unique needs of the <em>al-Riq?b </em>group, emphasizing sincerity, empathy, meaningful social interaction, and flexibility. Such approaches not only improve the effectiveness of dakwah but also inspire positive changes in the lives of the recipients (<em>mad</em><em>?</em><em>u</em>). In conclusion, delivering dakwah with wisdom strengthens the bond between the preacher (<em>d?</em><em>?</em><em>i</em>) and the recipient while supporting efforts to restore the faith and social well-being of the <em>al-Riq?b </em>group. This approach serves as a powerful tool to guide them toward a better life aligned with Islamic values.</p>2025-02-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Kefahaman Terhadap Pengamalan Islam Saudara Muslim Tentera Darat Malaysia [The Influence of Understanding on The Practice of Islam among Muslim Brothers in The Malaysian Army]2025-01-23T04:09:23+00:00Nazri Yahyashazree85@gmail.comZahimi Zainol Mohamed<p>Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kefahaman terhadap pengamalan Islam dalam kalangan saudara Muslim Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM). Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, populasi kajian melibatkan 311 saudara Muslim, di mana 155 responden dipilih melalui pensampelan purposif. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan soal selidik yang disesuaikan dan dianalisis dengan IBM SPSS versi 30.0. Keputusan menunjukkan nilai kebolehpercayaan instrumen yang tinggi (<em>Alpha Cronbach</em> > 0.9), dengan korelasi positif yang signifikan antara kefahaman dan pengamalan Islam (<em>r</em> = 0.736). Analisis regresi mendapati kefahaman mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap pengamalan Islam (<em>ß </em>= 0.843, <em>t</em> = 10.199, <em>p</em> < 0.05). Hasil kajian ini menekankan kepentingan pendidikan dan bimbingan agama untuk meningkatkan tahap kefahaman sebagai asas kepada pengamalan agama yang sempurna dan menyeluruh. Penemuan ini memberikan implikasi penting bagi Kor Agama Angkatan Tentera (KAGAT) dalam merangka program dakwah dan pendidikan kerohanian yang lebih efektif kepada saudara muslim.</p> <p>This study aims to analyse the influence of understanding on the practice of Islam among Muslim converts in the Malaysian Army (TDM). Using a quantitative approach, the study population involved 311 Muslim converts, with 155 respondents selected through purposive sampling. Data were collected using a tailored questionnaire and analysed with IBM SPSS version 30.0. The results showed high reliability of the instrument (Cronbach's Alpha > 0.9), with a significant positive correlation between understanding and the practice of Islam (<em>r</em> = 0.736). Regression analysis found that understanding significantly influenced the practice of Islam (<em>ß</em> = 0.843, <em>t</em> = 10.199, <em>p</em> < 0.05). This study highlights the importance of religious education and guidance in enhancing understanding as a foundation for more perfect and holistic religious practices. The findings provide significant implications for the Malaysian Armed Forces Religious Corps (KAGAT) in designing more effective spiritual development and religious education programs to Muslim brothers.</p>2025-02-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Important Overview of University Administrators’ Participation and Engagement in Decision-Making to Enhance Good Governance at Malaysia Public University2025-02-07T00:53:38+00:00Mohammad Azuwadi Mohd Fahmy Mohd Fahmy Farah Zaiti Mohd<p style="font-weight: 400;">Malaysian university governance has under heightened scrutiny in recent years. This research paper delved into the university administrator’s participation and engagement in decision-making toward enhancing university good governance. The research paper explored the participation and engagement of university administrators’ in decision-making processes (institutional, financial, strategic, and human resource management) to enhance governance at Malaysian public universities. This research paper encompassed three principal categories within university administration, as de-lineated in the specific regulations pertaining to higher education in Malaysia: registrar, bursar, and librarian. The primary responsibilities of these administrators encompassed administration, operations, creation, coordination, and oversight of various university programs. For this research paper, a designated cohort of university administrators was selected as the study population, comprising about 529 officers (336 from the Registrar Scheme, 104 from the Bursary Scheme, and 89 from the Librarians Scheme). This research paper was undertaken utilizing a mixed-methods technique to deepen comprehension. The results indicate that the participation and engagement of university administrators in financial management decision-making significantly enhances good governance (p<0.01, p = 0.015), and their participation and engagement in strategic management decision-making also significantly enhance good governance (p<0.01, p = 0.006).</p>2025-02-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) The Need for Islamic Museology in Contemporary Museum Development2025-02-03T13:16:14+00:00Ibrahim Majdi Mohamad Kamilibrahimmajdi@usm.myAhmad Farid Abd Jalalfarid.muziumpahang@gmail.comSiti Maimunah Kahalmykahal89@yahoo.comRahimi Affandi Abdul<p>Western museum scholars, Klas Grinell and Valerie Gonzalez insist that no Islamic Museum guidelines can be followed. Thus, western museum curators had to study the text of the Quran, and Sunnah and examine the views of Islamic scholars in various fields of knowledge to find out the guidelines for the construction of Islamic museology. The action is of course based on the Western worldview which is against the Islamic worldview. This study aims to propose the concept of Islamic museology by using the design and development Research method. This method is modified and contains three main phases, namely a) Needs Analysis Phase; b) Design and Development Phase and c) Guidelines Applicability Evaluation Phase. As a result, this study will contain two main points. First, evidence of the awareness of the new museum and second, the rationality of the concept of Islamic museology. Among other things, the rationale behind the establishment of the concept of an Islamic Museum is to provide scientific answers for the concept of Islamic museology; the need to support the development of Islamic Eco-Tourism; proactive efforts to save Muslims from extremism and finally selective efforts (<em>wasatiyah</em>) with museum ethics.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080)