Analisis Keperluan Pembangunan Model Pencegahan Holistik Terhadap Pengaruh Gejala LGBT dalam Kalangan Remaja di Selangor [Analysis of The Need for Developing a Holistic Prevention Model Against The Influence of LGBT Symptoms among Adolescents in Selangor]
Analisis Keperluan, Pembangunan Model, Pencegahan Holistik, Pengaruh, LGBT, RemajaAbstract
Analisis keperluan merupakan salah satu fasa yang penting dalam proses pengumpulan data untuk dianalisis secara sistematik bagi mendapatkan input terhadap keperluan pembangunan sesebuah modul yang mantap serta bersesuaian dengan pengguna sasaran. Kajian kualitatif ini bertujuan memperoleh data analisis keperluan bagi pembangunan Model Pencegahan Holistik Terhadap Pengaruh Gejala LGBT Dalam Kalangan Remaja Di Selangor. Seramai lima orang informan telah dipilih sebagai peserta kajian. Peserta kajian dipilih secara pensampelan bertujuan dan menepati kriteria yang telah ditetapkan. Data daripada temu bual separa berstruktur ini dianalisis secara deskriptif. Dapatan kajian ini memberi implikasi positif usaha membangunkan model ini secara holistic. Hasil kajian juga telah memberi satu indikator penting kepada kajian seterusnya iaitu untuk mereka bentuk dan membangunkan Pembangunan Model Pencegahan Holistik Terhadap Pengaruh Gejala LGBT dalam Kalangan Remaja Di Selangor.
Requirements analysis is one of the important phases in the data collection process to be systematically analyzed to obtain input on the development needs of a robust module that is suitable for target users. This qualitative study aims to obtain analysis data of the needs for the development of a Holistic Prevention Model Against the Influence of Lgbt Symptoms Among Teenagers in Selangor. A total of five informants were selected as study participants. Study participants were selected by purposive sampling and met the criteria that had been set. Data from these semi-structured interviews were analyzed descriptively. The findings of this study have positive implications for developing this model holistically. The results of the study have also provided an important indicator for the next study which is to design and develop the Development of a Holistic Prevention Model Against the Influence of LGBT Symptoms among Teenagers in Selangor.